오픽 IH 스크립트 - 집/가구오픽 IH 스크립트 2020. 2. 3. 21:02
오픽 준비하면서 만들었던 스크립트 공유합니다!
주제는 집/가구입니다.
내용을 정리하는 연습을 한 것이라서 필러는 최소한으로 들어가 있습니다.
1. 집 / HOUSE
[집 묘사하기]
You indicated in the survey that you live in an apartment. Tell me about your home. What does it look like? What types of rooms does it have? Please describe it in detail.
전략 :
원룸 살아 -> 집이 작아 -> 편안해 -> 쉬기 좋음
MP(Main Point) : I live in a studio apartment.
스크립트(Script) :
You know, I live in a studio apartment.
It sometimes serves as kitchen, living room, or bedroom or something. I mean, It can be everything. My house is a little bit tiny. It’s a kind of shoebox. But I always feel very comfortable in my house especially on my bed. I can reach eveything that I need in my bed. It's very convenient. Totally, It’s the best place to relax after a tough day.
I think this is all about my house.
[집에 변화를 준 경험]
Have you made any changes to your house within the last few years? If so, what kinds of changes have you made to your home? Are you satisfied with the change?
전략 :
변화를 준 적이 없어(피해가기) -> 사실 미니멀리즘을 좋아해 -> 그래서 물건이 적은 게 좋아
-> 심지어 집도 작고 돈도 없어
MP(Main Point) : The truth is I really love minimal life style.
스크립트(Script) :
Well, I thought about the things that I changed in my house, but I can’t think of any.
The truth is I really love minimal life style. So, you know, I’m not interested in decorating or re-organizing or something for interior. I really like It’s to be simple and neat. You know what? I think having more stuff doesn’t make my life better. Right? In addition, My home is a studio apartment. So, It is not big enough to have lots of furniture. Besides, I’m always short on money. You know, it is reasonable not to buy unnecessary stuff.
Okay, overall, Nothing has changed in my house.
[집에서 겪은 문제]
Have you ever had any problems with your home? What was the problem, and how did you deal with it? How did the problem turn out? Give me as many details as possible.
전략 :
우리집은 복층이야 -> 겨울에 매우 추워 -> 뽁뽁이도 붙이고 전기장판도 샀어 -> 그래도 춥고 -> 다시는 복층 안살아
MP(Main Point) : The problem is I live in a duplex apartment
스크립트(Script) :
I guess, the problem is I live in a duplex apartment now.
My bed is in upstairs, but the heater doesn’t make my bed warm. It just works only on the bottom. Actually, my house looked pretty good and neat at first before the winter. But I realized choosing this house was a huge mistake. To fix the problem, I added air cap to the window and bought a electric heating pad. You know what? It is not good enough. After my rent is over, I will never and ever again live in this kind of house.
[집안일 또는 책임을 물었을 때]
What is your responsibility at home or in your family? Please tell me in as much detail as possible.
전략 :
내 책임은 집안일이야 -> 우리집은 매우 작아 -> 집안일을 하지 않으면 엉망진창이 되지
MP(Main Point) : My responsibility is all about household things.
스크립트(Script) :
My responsibility is all about household things.
As I mentioned, I live by myself. So, I have to do some chores for a living. Such as cleaning the rooms, doing the laundry or washing the dishes or something. It is really hassle. But, you know, My house is really small like a shoebox. So, If I put off the chores more and more, my house will be messed up and smell terrible.
I mean, everything will be messed up.
[가구 묘사하기]
What do you use your furniture for? Why those pieces of furniture are useful? Please tell me about any furniture that you use every day.
전략 :
침대 -> 대부분의 시간을 여기서 보내 -> 이것저것 하지 -> 집순이/집돌이인 듯
MP(Main Point) : What I really love about my home is my bed.
스크립트(Script) :
What I really love about my home is my bed.
I can rest after a long and tough day at work. It is really cozy. I mean, It makes me comfortable. I usually do lots of stuff with my smartphone before going to bed on my bed. Especially, I really like watching Netflex on my bed. Actually, I spend many times in my bed. I guess, you can say that, I’m a totally homebody.
Anyway, This is my favorite furniture.
[가구의 변화]
The furniture in people’s homes changed over the years. Is the furniture in your current house different from the furniture you had when you were young? Provide as many details as possible.
전략 :
침대로 가구선정 -> 어릴 땐 침대가 없었어 -> 한국에서는 바닥에 눕는게 흔하거든 -> 지금은 침대가 있는데 너무 좋아
MP(Main Point) : When I was younger, I actually didn’t have my own bed.
스크립트(Script) :
You know, I gotta say about my bed.
When I was younger, I actually didn’t have my own bed. You should know first, It was pretty common for people to lie down on the floor here in Korea. I guess, That’s because we normally don’t wear the shoes at home. Anyway, I have my own bed now. I can relax on the bed. I spend many times in my bed. It’s more comfy than before I was teens without my bed. I can’t imagine my life without my lovely bed.
I guess, It is quite much about your question.
좋은 표현들 많이 적용하려고 노력했었습니다. 도움이 되셨으면 좋겠어요!
ex. My house is a little bit tiny. It’s a kind of shoebox. // "simile; 비유하기 전략"
I spend many times in my bed. I guess, you can say that, I’m a totally homebody.
복층 원룸(duplex apartment) 사시는 분들은 공감하실 텐데, 겨울에 많이 춥습니다..
집에서 생긴 문제점이나 해결 경험으로 쓰시기 좋을 것 같아요!!
duplex apartment (Google image) 감사합니다! :)
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