오픽 IH 스크립트

오픽 IH 스크립트 - 재활용

취준노잼 2020. 2. 3. 21:03

오픽 준비하면서 만들었던 스크립트 공유합니다!

주제는 재활용입니다.



[우리나라 재활용 묘사]

Tell me about recycling in your country. What kind of items do people usually recycle? Please describe the recycling system in your country in detail.


전략 :

우리나라는 재활용 잘 해 -> 법으로 규제하거든 -> 절차는 이래 -> 재활용은 환경을 위해 귀찮아도 해야 돼


MP(Main Point) : We probably do well recycling here in Korea.


스크립트(Script) : 


We probably do well recycling here in Korea.

I guess, this is because it’s actually required by law. So, If you don’t follow the rules, you may get fined. We recycle almost everything including even food waste.    (-> 규제)

For the process, first of all, the important thing is gathering the stuff separately from other garbage. Seriously. This is crucial. It’s quite rare for people to forget to check. After taking out them in different bins, recyclable items are picked up on specific days, depending on where you live.    (-> 과정/방법)

Honestly, not just for me, Separating all the items is a kind of hassle. But you know, It not an option. This is necessary to protect our environment.    (-> 마무리)



[나의 재활용 묘사]

How do you recycle at home? When and how often do you recycle? Describe each step of the process from beginning to end.


전략 :

나는 재활용 때문에 부지런해야 돼 -> 나는 사실 게을러 -> 근데 집이 작아서 재활용 안하면 엉망진창이야


MP(Main Point) : My recycling at home is all about being diligent.


스크립트(Script) : 


My recycling at home is all about being diligent.

It’s a little embarrassing to say but I’m quite lazy. So, I really hate doing recycling if I don’t have to do that. I usually recycle only my bins are full by max.

But the problem is I live in a studio apartment by myself. So if I put off recycling more and more, my house easily get to messed up and smell terrible. Doing recycle helps me produce less garage.

So, I think to be diligent and recycle as often as possible is good for me and my house.


요 스크립트는 사실 오픽노잼 참고해서 변형했습니다!! 고맙소!

영어 오픽 habit 질문들(교통,재활용,예약), 게으른 사람도 쉽게 배울수 있는 신기한 방법! ㅣ IM 시리즈 009 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q140WVM4MvE&t=477s)



[재활용 관련 경험]

Tell me about a memorable or an unexpected incident that you experienced while you were recycling. What exactly happened, and how did you deal with the situation?


전략 :

돌려막기 -> 물건 잃어버림 -> 다행히 찾음


MP(Main Point) : I found out I lost my cell phone. 


스크립트(Script) : 


Here is the thing I gotta tell you, It was about two weeks ago.

I take out the recyclable stuff to a designated area for recycling in my apartment complex. When I came home, I found out I lost my cell phone. It was just gone out of nowhere. I was little panicked, but went back to the place by myself. I started search the bins to find mt cell phone. Luckily, I found mine, however It got dirty and smell bad.

I think this is only experience I can think of at this moment.



[재활용 관련 이슈]

Are there any issues or problems regarding recycling? Have you seen any news related to recycling recently? What was it about? Give me all the details about any issues on recycling.


전략 :

카페에서 일회용컵 규제...?!


MP(Main Point) : disposable cups in coffee shop


스크립트(Script) : 


I’m gonna say about the disposable cups in coffee shop.

I heard that using disposable cups in coffee shop is banned by laws. When you order the coffee, the staff will ask whether you drinks here or takes out. If you choose inside, you will receive the coffee with a mug. I’m totally agree this rule. Sometimes I even carry the tumbler with me.

We should do our best to produce less garbage.




감사합니다! :)